Wednesday, November 4, 2009

todays view from the monaro - 7am from the edge of the Meringo Nature Reserve

Grey, overcast, cooler; a light wind, a current has come in from the SW-SE, filling the air with cooler, moist air. A hanging dew fills the sky and the folds of the land. Everything is softened. Shadows are filled. The sharpness and harshness of yesterday, gone. The cracks, earth and trees are moisturized after the drying, hot, unrelenting nor-westerly of yesterday. The air smells fresh, wetted. Earth and air, plant and animal hang in the ether on the slow moving currents. A hint of smoke, dampened, lingers. So quiet I can hear the air breathing, gently, slowly. I can hear the pad of kangaroos, unseen, the bleat of sheep, distant, frogs from creek down below. I can hear the trees growing, a snake moving amongst grass and leaves, the call of galah, magpie and crow. I dare not move in fear of breaking the silence. I squat and wait, too much to see. Only with my eyes closed can I know what's there. Todays view from the Monaro fills the air. Today, I smell - unwashed, unshaven, the Meringo Nature Reserve and it smells very nice.

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